Ranelagh School

Ranelagh School
Ranelagh School

Sound Files

Some students find listening to grammar explanations a lot easier than having to read them.

Here you can therefore access a range of links to video/sound files that you might find useful when revising for or learning French.

If you would like a particular grammar or vocabulary point explained and it is not currently here, please request it!


Present Tense with -ER verbs (I talk/am talking)

Present Tense with -IR verbs (I finish/am finishing)

Present Tense -RE verbs (I answer/am answering)

Passé Composé (I did / Have done)

Imperfect Tense (I used to do)

Near Future Tense (I am going to do)

Simple Future Tense (I will do)

Conditional Tense (I would do)

More complex tenses:

The Conditional Past Tense (I would have done)

The Future Perfect Tense (I will have done)

The Pluperfect Tense (I had already done)

Present Subjunctive

Past Subjunctive

General Grammar:

The verb AVOIR (to have)

The verb ETRE (to be)

The verb FAIRE (to do)

Possessive Adjectives (my, your, his, her)

Demonstrative Adjectives (this, that, these, those)

Comparatives (more / less than)

Time Phrases (this morning, this afternoon, yesterday etc)

Negatives (not, never, only, no longer)

Adverbs (slowly, quietly)

Definite Articles (the)

Preposition à with definite articles (to + the)

Prepositions with countries & towns (en, au, aux, à)

Qu'est-ce que / Que / Quoi